N.C. A&T Fund Drive Proving 'Very Effective'


North Carolina A&T State University kicked off the public phase of its capital campaign last Oct. 9 in hopes of raising $100 million within five years. Eight months later, the university says it’s “right on schedule.”

According to Michael Magoon, associate vice chancellor for development and university relations, the Aggies have already raised nearly $45 million.

“Our fund-raising efforts have been very effective,” said Magoon. “We have about five years to raise $100 million, and we’re currently at $44.8 million in cash, pledges and estate gifts. We’re right on schedule.”

The N.C. A&T University Foundation, Inc., which helps supports the university, had a dramatic increase in its cash and cash-equivalent assets between 2001 and 2002. On June 30, 2001, those assets stood at $275,171; on June 30, 2002, they increased to $460,484. The foundation’s contributions are only part of the fund-raising campaign.

Under a “silent phase” campaign that started in 1999, A&T has received major gifts from alumni.

“We’ve gotten two $1 million plan gifts from our graduates, Mr. Waddell “Wally” Pearson and Dr. Velma Speight-Buford, that they made through their estate planning,” said Magoon. “Ford Motor Co. is still our largest donor, which is a $3 million gift.”

A&T officials say they feel confident that they when the campaign ends on Dec. 31, 2007, they will have exceeded their goal.

Chris Wallace is a student at North Carolina A&T State University.

Posted June 19, 2003


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