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Cover To Cover

"Cover to Cover: An Inside Look @ Magazine Publishing"
9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, March 8, 2003
Howard University, Blackburn Center, Forum

Sponsored by the Howard University Magazine Group, HU Department of Journalism, HU Association of Black Journalists, and the Magazine Publishers of America

Registration: $35; $20 for non-HU students with ID; free for HU students,faculty and staff with ID

Registration fees and donations can be sent payable to Howard University by March 7th to:
Howard University, Department of Journalism,
Magazine Conference,
525 Bryant St. N.W.,
Washington, DC 20059.
(202) 806-7855, 806-4499 or 612-8716


9 a.m. - Bylines & Bucks: Breaking Into Freelance Writing
Jack White, Time columnist and Howard University writer-in-residence
Victoria L. Valentine, editor-in-chief, The Crisis
Alfred A. Edmond Jr., editor-in-chief/senior vice president, Black Enterprise
Yanick Rice Lamb, HU professor; former editor-in-chief, Heart & Soul and BET Weekend
David R. Squires, editor, BVQ: The Black College Quarterly, Black Voices

10 a.m. - Moving on Up: Advice From the Top
John A. Limpert, editor-in-chief, Washingtonian
Nick Wiedenfeld, editor-in-chief, While You Were Sleeping
John Papanek, editor-in-chief, ESPN The Magazine
Tara Roberts, publisher, Fierce
Vaughn P. Benjamin, vice president, Magazine Publishers of America

11 a.m. - Layouts, and Photos, and Fonts, Oh My! Art Direction for the Magazine
Dave Dawson, graphic designer, While You Were Sleeping
Arem Duplessis, graphic designer, Spin
Lance Pettiford, graphic designer
Gina Toole, graphic designer

12 p.m. - Networking Lunch, Hilltop Lounge, Blackburn Center

1:30 p.m. - A Survivor's Guide to Magazine Publishing, Keynote Session
Keith Clinkscales, Chairman and CEO, Vanguarde Media Inc.

3 p.m. - Building a Brand: Marketing, Promotions, and Circulation
Gary R. Lewis, national director of marketing and events, Vanguarde Media
Inc. Robert Bruno, director of marketing, ESPN The Magazine
Kim Ford, director of promotions, Vibe

4 p.m. - A Dollar & a Dream: How to Start a Magazine
Tara Roberts, publisher, Fierce
Clarence Brown, CB and Associates; former associate publisher, BET Publishing Group
Mike Tucker, editor, YARDStyle
Rodney J. Reynolds, founder and publisher, American Legacy
David R. Squires, editor

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