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Rude Classroom Antics Called Immature, Disrespectful

"Are you two finished talking?"
Student Affairs VP Randy Gunter

"No" was the reply to the professor's question, followed by a bunch of giggles. Is the answer "no" an option?

Side conversations, walking in 30 minutes late or walking in and out of the classroom - all of these disrupt learning - but still some students continue these habits.

Some students' behavior in today's classroom is rude. Distractions such as the extra noise in the back corner can divert the professor from the lesson.

"We expect them to be adults, come in a mature fashion and respect members of the university," said Savannah State Student Affairs Vice President Randy Gunter.

Students say the majority of the problems come from underclassmen.

Comparing core curriculum classes and classes geared towards a major seems to confirm core curriculum classes have more underclassmen and disturbances. Major classes contain mostly seniors who have buckled down and are ready for business.

"Well, I know some of that has to do with just leaving high school," said Asha Bolton, a sophomore behavior analysis minor.

"Some people are not ready to handle mental and intellectual things that go along with college life," Bolton said.

There are many theories as to why students engage in rude behavior.

One is that students are on the HOPE Scholarship and don't take education seriously; for those who have to pay out of pocket, education is very important.

Marquice Pullen, a Savannah State senior behavior analysis major, has another theory.

He said mentally, many freshmen are still in high school. This should get better as they see peer leaders excelling around the college campus and progressing towards their future.

Until then, what is the solution?

There are rules and guidelines in every edition of the student handbook that all students must follow.

Also, during freshman orientation students recite the code of ethics.

For the most part, it is not taken seriously.

"Incidents of misconduct have taken place inside the classroom, which have resulted in student ethics violations," said Gunter. And professors are responsible for classroom conduct, he added. "Professors have to be consistent to create working responsibilities," Gunter said.

Aspects of academic misconduct are listed beginning on page 43 of the 2007-2008 student handbook and planner.

Disorderly conduct - rowdy, lewd, indecent behavior or breach of the peace - along with academic misconduct can result in warnings and community service, or more severe consequences such as suspension or expulsion.

Students have to take these consequences into account before they decide to disrupt the classroom.

Professors can, and should, report any incidents they consider disrespectful or discourteous.

"The University strongly believes that 'academic integrity,' which includes honesty, trust, fairness, respect and responsibility, are essential to student success inside and outside the classroom," Gunter said.

Amber Zellner, a student at Savannah State University, writes for the Tiger's Roar. To comment, please e-mail .

Posted Oct. 29, 2007

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