Hazing Abusers Deserve to Be Held Accountable

Photo credit: The Famuan
FAMU's "Marching 100" was under investigation in hazing incident.

The hazing problem has consistently reared its ugly head on the Florida A&M University campus. In light of recent news, it should finally become clear to those who haze that walking away scot-free is very unlikely.

According to news reports, former "Marching 100" band member Marcus Parker won his $1.8 million civil battery lawsuit against the five men found liable in the 2001 hazing incident.

After the Jacksonville, Fla., trumpet player was repeatedly beaten with a paddleboard, he was hospitalized for temporary kidney failure. Since then, Parker has had four surgeries and needs a kidney transplant.

His lawyer is now set to seek retribution for Parker through garnisheeing his assailants' wages and going after their assets.

Parker's case should be a point of reference to those gripping wood. When victims are brave enough, those who haze might prove to be the ones hit harder -- in the pocket.

When split five ways, each of Parker's attackers will have to shell out $360,000. This is a large sum when many students barely have enough money for tuition.

More important, hitting and taking hits from a fellow classmate to the point of hospitalization (or even at all) in the name of fellowship is ridiculous and senseless. This is an institution of higher education, so those registered should act like they are receiving one.

All parties involved in the outcome of this civil suit should be commended for holding accountable those directly responsible for causing Parker's injuries.

Suing an organization might mean a larger payment, but it bears little consequence on those to blame. Maybe more victims will follow Parker's lead, and make an example of their abusers.

By the editorial board of The Famuan at Florida A&M University.

Posted Nov. 8, 2004

Hazing victim awarded $1.8M (Tallahassee Democrat, Nov. 4, 2004)
'Marching 100' trumpet player hospitalized (The Famuan, Nov. 18, 2001)


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