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Enough of Bigotry from Black Instructors

Shereka Littlejohn

Historically black colleges and universities were built upon rich foundations, and many were created in order to afford black people educational opportunities they would not have received elsewhere.

But sometimes it seems as though an HBCU education is about breeding racism among young black adults.

As a student at North Carolina Central University, too often I have walked into a classroom where a black instructor has stated that white people don't care about me or my peers because we are black.

I understand that instructors are free to say what they want, but I don't want instructors wasting valuable class time to impress their negative beliefs on me.

I sympathize with white and biracial students who must listen to their instructors' offensive remarks.

I know it has to be hard for them to respect some of these faculty members.

Most people on campus would be outraged if a white instructor made a negative comment about black people, but a lot of those same people would accept discriminatory remarks from a black instructor.

All of us should embrace open-mindedness and become disgusted by any expression of racism on campus.

I am tired of hearing instructors talk about the white man's conspiracy to keep the black man down.

Some very impressionable students are so moved that they start believing every negative word. So when a teacher says that white folks are against blacks, they assume that even white instructors on campus are out to get them.

Let's get real: All white people in America don't wake up and plot the downfall of our entire race.

They have better things to do.

And even if one white person were trying to eradicate us all, he or she would never succeed.

I know that some of our black instructors are only trying to prepare us for the hardships we may face after college. But if we leave school expecting bad things to happen to us because we are black, we will see only the bad in every situation we face with a white person.

It is not logical to live our lives always expecting to be the victim.

I know that racism still exists in America, but I also know that America is no longer segregated. Even if you agree with those instructors, sooner or later you will have to deal with white people. Life will be easier if you approach every person as an individual, instead of trying to dislike anyone based solely on race.

Let's not believe every word that comes from our instructors. Let's learn from our own experiences.

As Eagles, we don't need to stoop to the level of ordinary birds. Let's soar above the bigotry of some of our instructors.

Shereka Littlejohn, a student at North Carolina Central University, writes for the Campus Echo.

Posted Nov. 9, 2005

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